Program features
HAPPYneuron Pro is a platform for professionals for the effective delivery and management of cognitive remediation and rehabilitation programs in a patient centric manner.
It facilitates the effective treatments for a variety of neurotrauma, neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric conditions through specialized programs consisting of fun and interactive games specially designed for targeted stimulation of key cognitive functions.
It provides a large set of key features:

- Engaging: HAPPYneuron Pro exercises are based on successful designs validated by millions of HAPPYneuron users world-wide, thereby providing a proven engagement level for users.
- Rewarding: real-time feedback and highly positive reinforcement for users.
- Ecological & Educational: many exercises have real-life direct or indirect applications enabling practitioners to associate the cognitive remediation benefits to situations in daily life.
- Customization: the therapist can precisely select the difficulty parameters. The patients progress through a pre-defined set of exercise levels according to specific rules. The clinician can also select the modules that fit the therapy needs.
- Fully monitored: a control dashboard enables practitioners to track ongoing compliance and performance over time on specific exercises and cognitive functions.
- Group management: manage patients and/or practitioners groups (clinics, hospitals or retirement Homes) as needed.
- On-line: applications are always up-to-date and new exercises are immediately and directly accessible.
- Home training: opportunities for partial distance therapies that are customized and controlled by the therapists.
- Secure: all communications are fully encrypted and secured. Patient records are confidential to the patient and the clinician.
- Easy to deploy: No software to install or specific device required. Web browser accessible.
- Runs on PC and tablets with all operating systems.
- Data exports: easy export data to Excel files for scientific research analysis.
HAPPYneuron Pro offers a variety of cognitive remediation and rehabilitation programs, assigned by the clinician and performed by the patient. A program is specific cognitive stimulation solution that addresses the needs of patients with particular medical conditions that can benefit from cognitive therapies. Programs consist of a series of cognitive exercises, specific levels of those exercises and sequenced according to a particular formula or algorithm. Each program has been developed in partnership with specialists and validated by research.
Rehabilitation Program
The Rehabilitation Program is an open way of using the HAPPYneuron Pro exercises for treating a wide variety of cognitive impairment conditions, including Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Stroke, Speech Aphasia, Learning Disabilities, ADD and more. The program has thousands of unique cognitive tasks. The exercises offer a high degree of parameter control to cater for the unique needs of each individual patient.
CR-Psychiatry Program
This program comprises a targeted set of exercises with pre-defined levels and sequences to improve the cognitive functions in patients with psychiatric conditions. Once the diagnosis is established, the program is used within the framework of cognitive remediation protocols for patients with major Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Aging Well Program
This program is designed to help those with Mild Memory Loss symptoms to maintain cognitive vitality as long as feasible.
Moderate to Mild Cognitive Impairment Program
The mMCIProgram provides clinicians with a comprehensive series of interventions that target symptoms of Cognitive Impairment. The exercises have been configured to enable automatic progression in level of challenge for patients suffering from severe, moderate or mild cognitive impairment.