CR-Psychiatry Program: Auditory
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This module contains exercises which involve auditory working memory.

Bird Songs
The task
Try to memorize the name and song of various common bird species. Try to spot out the characteristic traits (color of feathers, size of beak, tone range, tune, etc). They will make your learning easier.
What it trains
To do this in an efficient manner, and since there are numerous items that are quite similar, you should set up a memorization technique relying on relevant hints. If, like many of us, you're not quite used to work on your auditory memory, you will progress rapidly. And what a pleasure it is to hear all these birds!
10 levels have been specially selected to ensure an easy start and grant a regular progression. The parameters involved are the number of singing birds (from 2 to 6) and the memorization time per bird (from 30 seconds to unlimited).

Sound check
The task
In this game, you are proposed a number of sounds. You must be able to distinguish them thanks to their height, duration or intensity.
What it trains
This exercise calls upon attention and auditory memory, as well as capacities to recognize and discriminate sounds.
10 levels have been specially selected to ensure an easy start and grant a regular progression. The parameters involved are the number of criteria (from 1 to 3 - loudest/lowest in volume, highest/lowest in pitch, longest/shortest) and the number of sounds (from 2 to 4). Each sequence can be listened up to 3 times.

You've got Voice Mail
The task
Checked your voicemail today yet? This game requires you to listen to more or less long and complex messages by female or male voices. Memorize the information you are given. The messages may refer to various topics, the information you need to retain can therefore be on any random subject. During the recall, you need to answer questions about the messages.
What it trains
This game challenges your short-term memory. Typically, your short-term memory is necessary when you are having a conversation or reading an article for example. It helps remembering what has just been heard or read. Our verbal span is only short (about 7 items, plus minus 2) and the amount of information to retain from the message sometimes goes beyond this span. The idea is therefore to apply mnemotechnical methods such as associations or mental imagery in order to enhance the memorization process.
10 levels have been specially selected to ensure an easy start and grant a regular progression. The parameters involved are the length of the messages, the number of questions (from 2 to 3), the number of possible answers to the questions (from 2 to 3) and the number of listenings (from 2 to 3).

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